Ways to Avoid Compassion Fatigue

by | Sep 3, 2018

Need some guidance on how to manage your compassion energy?


  1. Have a manageable patient load, know and set boundaries and limits.
  2. Use as many “others” as possible in my work with patients, work as a team.
  3. Take a “Mental Health Day” when needed.
  4. Laugh, joke, have time to unwind.
  5. Have a holistic approach to taking care of myself – mind, body, feelings spirituality. Let go, do not allow stress or take on others’ stress, reduce anxiety, recognize choices.
  6. Have an understanding supervisor.
  7. Have supervision with supervisor and peers.
  8. Get and give feedback with supervisor and peers.
  9. Read materials and go to workshops and training seminars related to compassion fatigue.
  10. Be assertive with feelings and concerns.
  11. Let people know my limits.
  12. Process, talk things out. Talk to a health care professional if needed.
  13. Have a safe work environment.
  14. Stay organized.


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